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<Legal support for small & medium enterprises>

~For start-up, venture and small & medium enterprises: Lawyer with in-house as Head of Legal & Compliance experience support your business in practical point of view~

I have been working as legal & compliance manager for long time while I have been managing law office. Mainly worked at insurance company and now working at a heavy electric machinery company, but I have ever worked as Head of Legal & Compliance at mid-sized company in IT industry and deeply committed in internal control enhancement/improvement for aiming IPO, contract review in view of supplier or subcontractor, compliance training, labor related issues etc.


Frankly speaking, it was actually a tough task to work under the completely different environment of setting up an internal control system in comparison with insurance industry, strictly regulated and certain system is in place as a large sized company, but I could have good experience about unique dealing methodologies as (small and) medium-sized companies. 


Some of SMEs may be considering the use of lawyers as advisor or part-time statutory auditor for future IPO or apart from IPO, you may be feeling necessity of internal compliance training and labor-related issues once if the company becomes a reasonable size. Furthermore, as a dynamically active company, you may face with incidents, customer complaints & claims, compensation for damages. It may be difficult to completely prevent such incidents from occurring, but it is possible to prepare for them in some extent by establishing a certain internal system, continuing in-house training, conducting thorough negotiations and internal examinations prior to concluding contracts. It is also important to have a privacy policy in place, to obtain consent for the provision of personal information to third parties, and to have a internal system in place to deal with various types of harassment.


would be happy to assist you not only as an external legal advisor or legal counsel, but also deeply involved in the internal control process of your company. So, please feel free to contact!

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